August 28th 2021
Fireside Room, Chelsea Gardens, Surrey, BC
With the partial easing of Covid 10 restrictions the last weekend of August seemed a good time as any to get together for a party. It was also a great way to celebrate three Club members' Birthdays: sprightly 84-year-old Leslie Michael and Marie Orton shared a birthday on August 27th, and Lesley Jack whose special day was looming on the horizon, i.e. August 31st.
A potluck buffet, a couple of fun quiz games and a spot of dancing made for a convivial gathering of 20 friends and acquaintances. Although this was a relatively small social event, (we had to limit invitees to comply with the present rules) it was nonetheless a welcome change from the long months of Covid-19 enforced isolation.
A big "thank you" goes out to Ashley (music director!), and Jacquie (co-ordinator extraordinaire!) And, of course, all our guests without whose joie de vivre, this party would not have been the happy event that it was.

L-R: Lesley ("Oh my goodness!") Leslie and
Marie cut their Birthday Cake

Freda and Brian share a laugh. |
Jacquie and Marie collaborate on show biz quiz
Glenn and Gwen enjoying the evening
L-R: Monique, Gerry, Betty M, Betty T and Carol.
Monique, Gerry, Betty M, Betty T(back to camera) and Fanch looking on. |
Carol joins the two Bettys |
L-R: Vivek, Keegan, Cherie(in red behind Crystal), Crystal and Bea (backs towards the camera) |
Cherie and Bea figuring out the quiz answers with help from Keegan and Crystal |

Master of Ceremonies, Ashley (doing his thing!)

Marie and Ashley (background), Leslie (giving them
advice perhaps?) with Bea, and Cherie and Keegan in step.